Thursday, January 22, 2009

Post-LOST Post

As I went to watch LOST last night, Alina said, "Good Luck." I asked, "Why are you wishing me good luck?" She replied, "So you're not disappointed." Disappointed, NEVER. It was good stuff. I loved the hour recap show. It explained things very well. Lesli watched it with me and was wanted to continue watching the season premier, even though she hasn't seen many episodes.

So, one question was answered: The zodiac boat filled with Daniel Faraday and the other passengers made it to the island because they were within some kind of radius when the island moved.

But, of course, now I have new questions:
  1. Why is Charolette's nose bleeding? What's happening to her. Obviously, Daniel knows and isn't telling her.
  2. Although 3 years pass before the Oceanic 6 try to come back to the island, will 3 years pass on the island? I'm guessing no, but we shall see.
  3. What is Daniel Faraday's mother doing at Oxford? What's she working on?
  4. Who wants to have Kate and Aaron's blood tested to see if they're related?
  5. Who was the women Ben met in the church? Plus, who was the women in the butcher shop?
  6. Why did Locke have to die in order to leave the island?
  7. Still, what's up with Richard?
Okay, there are probably many more questions, but that's all I have for now. This may have to become a weekly post. I'll love to hear any of your theories.


Jenn J. said...

Ok, Mandy... we all know I watch way too much TV, and Lost is no exception. I have a lot of the same questions, but isn't that what we all love about Lost? Always random crap going on that keeps us hooked.
1. About Charlotte's nose... My only guess was that it was bleeding in the same way Desmond's started bleeding when he was experiencing the whole time travel thing. Daniel had told him that he was dying, remember? I assumed it was that kind of thing. But then, confused again, why isn't everyone's nose bleeding because aren't they all time traveling?? So, I could definitely be wrong.
2. No clue. :)
3. It looked like she was able to locate the island. She must have been working with Daniel. My husband said he thought he remembered seeing her in some of Desmond's flashbacks/forwards, whatever.
4. I think it's the same "bad guys" that are causing all the other trouble. Don't know who they are, but they're jerks, right? :)
5. No clue! Can't wait to find out.
6. Random.
7. Richard = weird.

Samantha said...

Oh, this season is so full of LOSTy goodness I can hardly stand it! Wednesday is the best day of the week. Only a few more hours tonight & we'll find out what happens next.