This is my Pre-LOST Post, meaning my post before I watch the season premier of LOST. I will be doing a Post-LOST Post (I know, it's wordy) about the season premier after I watch it.
Enough of the explanation . . . on to the actual post. So, I have been a huge LOST fan since the beginning. I remember sitting down in 2004 flipping through the channels after a long day hoping to find something semi-entertaining on TV to watch. As I was flipping through the channels they announced that the pilot episode of LOST was on next. I remember thinking, "Oh yeah. I've seen previews for that. It has the hot guy from Party of Five on it. I'll watch that." What followed next was the most visually stunning thing I've ever seen on network television. The pilot episode was amazing!! In fact, it was the most expensive pilot ever filmed in TV history. From then, I was hooked. I've never missed an episode and several of my friends consider me a LOST expert. Now, I'm not a crazy fanatic, just a fan. I don't spend my time in chat rooms discussing every aspect of LOST, I just watch it (and occasionally blog about it).
Anyway, I am super excited for tomorrow's season premier. Now since I've never missed an episode (and I'm not talking about renting the DVDs and watching every episode - I mean NEVER MISSED AN EPISODE), I consider myself pretty up to date on what's going on. However, when I saw that the Sci-Fi channel was airing the last 5 episodes of season 4, I decided to watch it to refresh my memory. As I was watching it, I kept thinking, "Oh, I forgot about that. Oh, I totally forgot about that too." After watching those episodes, I realized I had completely repressed all of what happened last season. I think it was to maintain my sanity so I wouldn't be thinking about it for the 8 months it was off the air. Now that I've refreshed my memory, it's all I can think of. So, here are my top questions I hope are answered this season (hopefully, in the first few episodes):
- What happened to the zodiac boat filled with Daniel Faraday and the other passangers? Did they make it to the island before it moved or were they stranded on the ocean?
- How did Locke die? Will the island bring him back to life?
- Why the hell did Claire follow Christian? Plus, what was that creppy smile all about (you know, the one she gave to Christian when Locke asked him about saving the island)?
- How will Sun be convinced to go back to the island? Why would she want to go with Jack (whom I assume she hates) and why would she want to leave her baby?
- Why did Sayid stop working for Ben?
- Does Ben try to kill Penny? If so, how does that effect Desmond?
- What favor did Kate do for Sawyer once she left the island?
Okay, now that you ask those questions I realize that I have apparently suppressed it from my mind too! Well, I hope those things are answered. I have to admit, I am totally hooked, but at the end of each season I walk away saying that I'll never watch again. I always get mad they don't accomplish much each season.
I just went on a Season 3 and Season 4 LOST marathon! A friend got us stated a few months ago and I got hooked!!!!! Anyway, I'll tell you one thing that's driving me nuts: Claire never finds the ring Charlie left for Aaron!!!!! Silly thing, but it's bugging me. I liked Charlie...
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