Thursday, March 05, 2009


I love LOST. I've said it before, but I'll say it again: BEST SHOW EVER!! Last night's episode was a great example of why it's so great. I thought I knew where the plot was heading and then all of a sudden . . . Wham! Out of no where, something completely different happens. And it's not something that's disappointing - it's better than anything I could have imagined. I'm super excited to see where it's going next. I'm starting to live for Wednesdays. 6 more days.


Travis Butterfield said...

I agree 100%. LOST is my favorite show ever. Every single week I'm totally blown away. I want to get all of the seasons on DVD for posterity's sake. Because, you can bet that I'll be raising my kids on it! That's right. No "Leave it to Beaver" or "Andy Griffith" in my house. It'll be LOST or nothing!

But seriously, I can't even describe how much I love it. Even the music in the background is amazing. I wonder if they have a soundtrack . . . (?)

Tammy said...

I am not sure why this show is so loved!? Josh and I tried several times during the first season and just couldn't get into it. Sam loves it too.

Jenn J. said...

I like Lost too, even though my heart truly lies mostly with reality tv. Lost is one of the exceptions. :) Sad news, there isn't a new episode next week. Big time bummer. But like you, I can't wait to see where it's going. They need to have it on twice a week, I swear. :)

Emily said...

I agree. I love it too. I didn't get into it until the second season, but I've seen every episode since and bought the first so I could be up to par with everything. Now I HAVE to have the other seasons as well because it just so good and I could watch it over and over. I think I like it better than X-Files.

Samantha said...

Oh, these writers are genius. Genius, I tell you. Stuck in the 70s?!? How cool is that?! And I so called the Sawyer & Juliet thing. Yeah, our world revolves around Wednesday nights.