I've been working on a photo project for my house. When it's finished, I'm going to have a wall of framed photos. I've been trying to find really old pictures of my family. Here are some of the pictures I've collected for the project:

My parents.
This was taken while they were in high school.
My mom made this dress - isn't she talented?

My parents, again.
My mom also made this dress suit.

My parents with baby me.
Don't they look young? They were.

Me and my brother, Kyle.

Me and my dad.

Me and Kyle.

Our little family.
My mom made all of these clothes.

Our growing family.
My parents, me, Kyle, and Adam.

Me and my Grandpa.

Me and Kyle. I love this picture.
I had never seen it until recently.
My mom said it was her only copy.
She went and had our pictures taken,
but couldn't afford more than the one copy.

The three of us on an old tortoise.

I'm hugging a horse!!

Look at how much I love my brother, Adam.
Plus, you can't tell, but I love the clothes my brothers are wearing.
They are belly shirts. They are so funny!!

Look, we're all grown up.

Me with my brother Kyle.
This was taken before he left for Mexico on his LDS mission.

Me and my brother, Louis.
This was taken the day I graduated from BYU.

Me and my dad.
I am amazed how much your brothers look like your dad at different ages of his life. I loved this post. Makes me want to get a scanner. Is yours on your printer or did you buy one separately?
These are awesome. I want to come over and see your wall sometime!
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