Sunday, April 19, 2009

Random Ramblings

I haven't written for awhile so here's a few random ramblings:
  • Easter - I went to Arizona for Easter. It was a good time. My entire family went: parents, siblings, Jackie & Carlos, Amanda, and Jeanine's family. All of us stayed in my parents' house. That was a little crazy. We had loads of fun swimming, watching movies, going to the zoo, and attending a Diamondbacks game. All was great until I got the stomach flu. I was so sick. The upside, I came back to SLC without gaining any weight.
  • School - I only have 6 weeks of school left. Unfortunately, I have the feeling that those 6 weeks are going to go by extremely slowly. Luckily, my students have been really good this year. I'm going to need to write an entire post on the school year when it finishes so stay tuned.
  • Spring Cleaning - I did a little spring cleaning yesterday. I cleaned out my closet and every drawer in my bathroom and bedroom. I washed everything down and ended up with 6 garbage bags worth of stuff to donate to the D.I.
  • The Alchemist - I'm reading a really good adolescent lit book right now. It's The Alchemist by Michael Scott. My students are required to do a book talk (talk about a book in front of the class) every quarter. Anyway, last quarter one of my students did his book talk on this book. It sounded really good so I bought it and started reading it. It's made him really excited to see me take his recommendation. I need to do that more next year.
  • Summer Movies - A whole post will be dedicated to this subject. Plan on one during the 1st of May, but here's a little preview. On Friday I went to see 17 Again (surprisingly, a very funny movie). On my way out of the theater, we saw movie posters for the following movies: Wolverine, Star Trek, Angels & Demons, Terminator!! Seriously, I'm going to be at the movie theatre every weekend in May. Sweet!!
  • LOST - a whole post will have to be made. I love it. LOVE IT!!


Sara J Low said...

Two things: I love the Alchemist. Great book, great lesson.

Did you say 6 DI bags?!?!?! Any dress clothing you're throwing out? Anything I might like??? Do you have a problem with a clothing finatic going through your bags? :)

Mandalynn said...

I already took the bags to the DI. I really didn't get rid of any dressy stuff, anyways.

You're probably thinking of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. That is a more allegorical novel with a message.

This book, The Alchemyst by Michael Scott is a fantasy book more in line with Harry Potter - not a deep message there, but entertaining.