Well, the time is upon us again. "What time?" you may be asking. Obviously, it's the time for summer blockbusters. That's right, ridiculously over-budgeted movies with even more ridiculous plots. I live for summer movies and the season officially begins (and when I say officially, I mean according to Mandy) this weekend. So what are the top ten movies I'm most excited for?
- Terminator Salvation: This movie is going to kick ass!! How could it not with bad-ass robots and an even badder-ass Christian Bale. There's no need to explain my excitement over this movie. Just watch the trailer and you'll be on the same page. If you're not, stop reading my blog - I don't think we should be friends.
- Star Trek: So, I'm not a big Star Trek fan, but when I heard J.J. Abrams was directing this movie, I was intrigued. When I saw the trailer, I was sold. I'm also excited to see Zachary Quinto and Eric Bana in their roles. Should be a good one. I'll just need to take my trekky father with me to help translate.
- X-Men Origins : Wolverine: Again, there really should be no explanation. X-Men is the best comic book out there and Wolverine has always been one of the best comic book characters. As a bonus, not only do we get the delectable Hugh Jackman, we also get Liev Schreiber. Sweet. I'm also really excited to finally see the character Gambit in an X-Men movie.
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Yeah, it's on my list. It's even in the top 5. Although I'm not a die-hard Harry Potter fan, I finally broke down and read the books. This was actually my favorite of all the books so I'm excited to see it.
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: I was thoroughly entertained by the first Transformers movie. It fit the two main criteria for a Summer Blockbuster - Ridiculous Budget, Check. Ridiculous Plot, Check. I expect the same out of the sequel.
- Year One: So, I had heard about this movie and didn't think I'd see it. That all changed when I saw the preview. I laughed so hard during the trailer, I was crying. I truly, truly hope they didn't put all the funny moments into that 1 minute trailer, but I'm a little skeptical.
- Angels and Demons: It's on my list, although I don't have high expectations for this movie. It's hard to get excited for this one when the DaVinci Code was so disappointing. Still, it has some good things going for it. First, the Angels and Demons plot is better than the DaVinci Code's. Second, from the trailers, it looks like Tom Hanks got rid of his ridiculous hair cut. Finally, Ewan McGregor.
- Inglorious Basterds: A Tarantino movie about WWII. Did you see what the guy did with Vampires? I can't wait to see what he does with Nazis.
- The Time Traveler's Wife: The only reason this movie's on my list is Eric Bana. Hopefully, this is the summer when he finally becomes a full-fledged movie star. He's off to a good start with Star Trek and Funny People. Eric, I hope it's your year.
- Taking Woodstock: Well, it has a good cast. Liev Schreiber, Emile Hirsch, Eugene Levy. But the guy to watch is going to be Demetri Martin. Will Martin be able to play the serious role of the homosexual man who helped save Woodstock? I'm an outward skeptic, but a closeted optimist.