Two reasons for this post:
1. I wanted to inform all of you about a TV event that I'm sure will bring a few laughs - "Night of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Benefit for Autism Education" airs on Comedy Central this Sunday at 8:00 pm EST. It is hosted by my favorite, Jon Stewart, and will include appearances by Jack Black, Steve Carell, Kristin Chenoweth, Stephen Colbert, Ricky Gervais, and many more.
2. I wanted to relate one of my favorite stories about one of my autistic students. This student came into class wearing a Darth Vadar helmet. At first I didn't really notice because class hadn't started yet and I was busy getting things ready. When I did notice, I told him that hats were not allowed at school under the dress code policy and that he'd have to take it off. He replied, "Ms. George, I'm wearing a helmet, not a hat, and I checked - the dress code policy does not mention anything about helmets." It was so funny, and because he was technically correct, I let him wear it during class.
Alright I'll watch, but if it isn't funny, I'm blaming you.
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