The damn TV has got me hooked. I'm mostly referring to two television programs, Prison Break and Lost. These programs give you an exciting story line that never satisfies. It's starting to drive me crazy. I need closure. I can't go an entire week before I get an update on what's going on in the lives of my favorite TV characters. I thought the summer was bad enough - having to wait several months for these programs to come back on, but I realized it was almost better. During the summer it was out-of-sight, out-of-mind. But now, they're not out-of-sight. I see them advertised in commercials and magazine ads. I don't know if I can take it. I've even started to dream about these programs. Now that's going a little too far.
When I entered your site it was like seeing pictures of my dearest friends. We are addicted to the same programs. Get your butt to PA!
Yea!! Ruthie, I'm so glad you have internet again. I want to come to PA so badly. Stupid work keeps me from doing it. Maybe I should quit.
Mandy, do you have any of the Lost DVD's? I have to catch up.
Sorry, I don't. You do need to catch up. It is excellent. I was going to post something funny about LOST on The Lawn, but since you said I only post about TV, I hesitated. Maybe now, I will.
Read it again, toots. I never said that. It was someone else...
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