So I'm currently on vacation with the
Stewarts. We have visited NY, NJ, PA, and the D.C. area. Here's a breakdown of what's been going on:
Wednesday, July 25th:
Today Ruth and I went into NYC. We went to a session at the Manhattan Temple (I know, wild and crazy fun in NY). We also went shopping, got make-overs at Macy's, went to dinner, and saw a Broadway play (
The Color Purple). Loads of fun!! It was an exhausting day. We calculated that we walked over 100 blocks.

Ruth and Me at dinner in Manhattan

Us (more Ruth than me) acting ridiculously silly.
Thursday, July 26th:
Today we traveled from NJ to Pennsylvania. Nothing too exciting, but I did discover that Ryan had TiVoed the entire season of Heroes. I was super happy about this because I've been wanting to watch it since it started, but I didn't have time to add it to my TV watching schedule while it was airing. Now I'll be able to catch up with season one and start TiVoing season two this fall. (Sidenote: Ryan is super geeky when it comes to Heroes. In fact, he's an administer on the
Heroes Wiki website. I refer to it as his non-paid job).
Friday, July 27th:
Today we took the boys to the movies. The movie theatre by Ruth and Ryan has free movies for kids. The movies are a little old, but the kids don't know that. We saw
Charlotte's Web. Later that night we went to dinner at the Mastracola's home. The Matracola's are in Ruth and Ryan's ward and are pretty good friends with them. They live on a great old farm house!! It's very cool. They raise chickens and have horses. Plus, they have an amazing covered porch. We ate dinner there and watched the lightening bugs light up the corn fields. (It reminded me of
Camie also showed up this night to spend the night with us.
Saturday, July 28th:
Today Camie took me home with her (Yep, a day with weekend dad). Camie now lives in Virginia (She's turned from a hater to a lover. For a better description regarding her transformation, click
HERE). While we were in VA we went to my old stomping grounds - Alexandria, VA. We went to King Street to hang out and have dinner. We ate at a fantastic Greek Restaurant,
Taverna Cretekou. I had Moussaka and for dessert I had yogurt with honey, apricots, and walnuts. DELICIOUS!! I'm glad I went to Virginia/D.C. with her. It reminded me of the reasons why I loved living/working there and why I hated it.
Sunday, July 29th:
Today I went to church with Camie. I then hooked back up with Ruth and Ryan (they had also come down to the area to see friends and family). We headed back to PA and watched more episodes of Heroes.
Monday, July 30th:
Today was a fantastic day. Ruth and I had an all girl's day. We went shopping (I got great things!!), got pedicures, went to lunch, and to the movies. We saw
1408 - Very Creepy!!