On the 13th we went to Palmyra to visit church history sites for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I had been to Palmyra twice before, but my parents never had. We also stayed to watch the Hill Cumorah Pageant - this was something I had never done before. It was quite impressive. To learn more about what to do and see in Palmyra, New York, click HERE.
Me at the Book of Mormon publishing site.
Me and my mom at the Palmyra Temple.
Me with my mom and dad in the Sacred Grove.
(literally - it was quite cold).
I am glad you were able to go to the pageant. Did you get rained on? I have been able to attend a couple of times. It is amazing. Josh's Aunt Jodi and Uncle Scott are out there working in the at the publishing site I think! Did you happen to see them?
We didn't get rained on. It was really nice, just a little chilly. We saw a tons of missionaries (young and old) so we might have seen them, but I don't know.
wow. I'm uber jealous. I've always wanted to go to the sacred grove and other church history sites.
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