Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Break - Week Two

Summer is passing quickly. My second week of summer break is already over. In that time, I've accomplished the following:
  • Exercised 4 out of 7 days - getting better.
  • Wrote my last 3 essays and attended my last class of the summer. No more night classes until September 2nd - YEA!!
  • Bought another swimsuit. Only two more days until I leave for Lake Powell.
  • Helped out my mom by filling in for her at work.
  • Went to the post office - one of my least fav places.
  • Only ate out once - I'm utilizing all the food I have in my fridge.
  • Did all of my laundry. I even washed all my bedding.
  • Burnt a CD of pictures for Jeanine. She's been asking me to do it for ages and now I have.
  • Finished The Host by Stephenie Meyer.
  • Went to the movies with Kathleen. I hadn't seen Kathleen in ages so it was really good. We saw The Happening. I know, it's rated R, but it's only my 2nd rated R movie in over two years. Pretty impressive.
  • Visited my grandparents and helped them move some furniture around.
Next week nothing will be accomplished because I'll be in Lake Powell. I will, however, return as a slightly bronzer, blonder bombshell. Stayed tuned for pics.


Sansego said...

Wait...what's pretty impressive? "The Happening" or that you've only seen two R-rated films in two years?

My sister wants me to see that movie so we can discuss it, but the three reviews I've read were all bad, and one of the critics confessed to be an M. Night fan. I stopped after "The Village."

Mandalynn said...

Sorry, that wasn't very clear. I think it's impressive that I've only seen 2 rated R movies in 2 years. Come on, you know how much I loved horror films.

oop said...

Nice new profile pic! And don't keep us in suspense: what were they (the two R's)? And were they worth it?

Tammy said...

I am impressed that you excerised that much!Are you going to be at the reunion? I hope so...I haven't seen you forever!Great job accomplishing so much. I can't wait to see more pictures!