Thursday, November 29, 2007
Peace on Earth (and in Hollywood)
I don't think I want to live in a world where season finales occur the first week of December. That's right - season finales during December!! Last week I saw an NBC advertisement announcing that the Hero's season finale would air on December 3rd (That is if the strike continues. If it ends, they will make more episodes).
I'm hoping for a miracle. Luckily, it's the Christmas season and miracles have been know to happen.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Deck the Halls
I never thought I was a very materialistic person, but I love my house and since some of my faithful readers live out of state, I thought this would be the perfect time to show more pictures of my house.
Three years ago when I first started looking for a house, I wanted to buy an older 1940s/1950s home in Midvale, Utah. The problem was I wanted a master bedroom with a large bathroom and walk-in closet. They just didn't make those in the 40s and 50s so I had to settle for my home in Riverton.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Funny Pictures/Stories About Zack
Zack loves my hair. Whenever he gives me a hug, he grabs a handful of it - right at the base of my neck. He's also quite the stylist.
Zack often says the prayer at dinner. He does a great job (until the end). The prayers go something like this:
"Heavenly Father, Thank you for [names everyone at the table]. Bless the food. THE END."
That's right, "The End." Despite the coaching it ends with "The End."
The following is a conversation Zack and I had on Thanksgiving:
Me: Zackie, What's today?
Zack: Thanksgiving
Me: What does that mean?
Zack: Eat
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
JSD Amazing Race

Me, Paula, & Shelly checking our GPS units at the Trax Station.

Me, Shelly, Sheradee, & Paula at the first Pit Stop.
Me climbing the rock wall. This was our last challenge. One team member was to climb to the top and retrieve our team flag. I was chosen to complete it (even though we had a P.E. teacher on our team) because I was the only one who had ever rock climbed before.
Still Climbing . . . Half-way there.

Still Climbing . . . Almost got it.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Christmas CD

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Trent, Trent Reznor?

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Nicholas's Visit
Nicholas, Me, and a fellow intern.
Sorry this picture is so bad, but my scanner is broken so it's a digital picture of an actual picture (and the actual picture wasn't that great to begin with). This picture was taken on the White House lawn where we were attending a ceremonial state arrival for King Juan Carlos of Spain and his wife, Sofia.
Friday, November 16, 2007
More From Houston
Sidenote: Investigators think someone may have been in the hotel during the implosion. To read more about the story, click HERE.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
National Middle School Conference
I arrived in Houston late Wednesday night with my principal and two other teachers from my school. We rented a car and drove straight to our hotel. The next two days were very long days spent at the conference. We were there for about 10 hours each day, sitting in on sessions and talking to vendors. I attended a couple of sessions on Advisory Groups and Service Learning that I really found interesting. I also attended a general session with Cal Ripkin, Jr. What does he have to do with education? I'm still trying to figure that one out. The only pointless session I attended was titled, "Let's hear it for the Boys!! Choosing appropriate books for boys." It was horrible. The presenter didn't present anything new. She kept talking about old books (like The Hardy Boys) and saying, "This is a great classic that boys love." My favorite was a book (I can't remember the name) that was originally published in France in the 1950s about troublesome boys at a boarding school. She said the boys at her school loved it. Come to find out, she teaches at a private all-boys boarding school in Greenwich, Connecticut. WHAT!?! Seriously, like the boys at my school are going to love what the boys at your school are reading.

We then decided to drive to Galveston to grab some dinner. We went to a great Mexican restaurant called Tortuga (tortoise). It was right on the Gulf of Mexico. We sat outside and enjoyed the sounds and smells of the ocean, along with our delicious food. We then went over to the beach, folded up our jeans, and waded out into the ocean. Although it late at night, the water was remarkably warm. It was a great way to end my time in Texas!!