Sunday, January 28, 2007

100 Things About Me (1-20)

The top things about me. Here's 100 (okay, 1-20) things about me.

1. Born on February 9, 1978.
2. Only daughter.
3. Oldest of 4 children.
4. Loves toile.
5. Hates spiders.
6. Went to Ricks when it was called Ricks.
7. Graduated from BYU with BA in Political Science.
8. Cannot dive into water, but can float.
9. Believes Cherry Coke is sweet nectar.
10. Loves lip gloss. Currently had 9 different kinds in my purse.
11. Believes Morrissey is a lyrical genius.
12. Subscribes to Entertainment Weekly.
13. Graduated with Masters in Education in 2005.
14. Taught Gospel Doctrine for 4 years - best calling ever.
15. Has become master decorator since becoming home owner.
16. Purchased home in October 2005.
17. Dedicated to text messaging.
18. Enjoys pho - delicious Vietnamese soup.
19. Has worked at Midvale Middle School for 7 years.
20. Teaches English, reading, and geography for special education department.

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