How does one best celebrate turning 30? Why, with a pirate themed birthday party, of course. On Friday I had one of the best birthday parties ever. Here are a few pictures.
Team Honest: Me, Mike, & Larissa
Team Cheat: Tim, Alina, & Matt
Delicious birthday cupcakes
Katrina helping with the feast.
How did I go the whole night without getting my picture taken? I'm getting better and better at that!
You all make great looking Pirates! Happy Birthday!
Sorry to miss out on the fun! Not that I was invited...but in true pirate fashion, I would've crashed your party if I lived in your area.
I turned 30 long ago and all I did was go see "The Fellowship of the Ring" in the theater with my best friend. It was a cool way to spend the milestone birthday, but looks like yours was a blast! Disneyland and a Pirate Party! Did you ride the Pirates of the Caribbean ride?
I did take your picture, but you were on the telephone (not partying) so I didn't put it on the blog.
Those pics make me sad we had to miss the treasure hunt. I most likely would have been on "Team Cheat!" It was a great party though! Can't wait to see what the theme of the next one is!
...and by "team cheat" she means "team win". They are just jealous. In fact, I believe they are still missing a clue.
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