Thursday, February 21, 2008

Republicans vs. Democrats

Those who know me, know I almost always vote Democrat. Not always, put almost always. Why? I don't agree with every position on the Democratic Platform, but I do agree with most of the issues that are important to me. Here are just some of these issues:
  • Role of Government: Although NGOs (non-governmental organizations) contribute a lot to poverty relief, government is also needed. Government should ensure helath care, affordable housing, & social security to those in need.
  • Health Care: "Democrats are committed to making sure every single American has access to affordable, effective health care coverage. We believe in investing in life saving stem cell and other medical research that offers real hope for cures and treatment for millions of Americans." (taken from the National Democratic Party Agenda)
  • Retirement: "We will ensure that a retirement with dignity is the right and expectation of every single American, starting with pension reform, expanding saving incentives and preventing the privatization of social security." (taken from the National Democratic Party Agenda)
  • Foriegn Policy/Diplomacy: "Our National Security must be built on International cooperation and on our leaders telling the truth to the American People before committing American troops to combat." (taken from the Utah State Democratic Party Platform)
  • Protection of Civil Liberties: "Fairness requires that all citizens enjoy the full benefits of citizenship regardless of their race, gender, religion, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or economic status. Because constitutions are created to grant freedoms, preserve liberties, and limit government, Utah Democrats oppose any effort to amend either the state or federal constitution to restrict civil liberties. Utah Democrats encourage our government to protect against discrimination and victimization based on status." (taken from the Utah State Democratic Party Platform)
  • Immigration: "Democrats are fighting for laws that will secure our borders, protect all U.S. workers and their wages & prevent exploitation of immigrant workers, reunite families, and allow immigrants who pay taxes and don't have trouble with the law a path to earn the opportunities and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship." (taken from the National Democratic Party Agenda)


Sansego said...

I could never vote for a Republican for anything. I don't think I hate anything more than the political party that has trashed our nation's reputation, surplus, values, heritage, history, and anything decent and good. They are the worst political party to ever emerge from pond scum.

Democrats have their problems, such as a lack of backbone and their easy ability to play possum when the Republican attack dogs come out. But, they are right on the issues that matter, and that matters the most. Go Dems!

Mandalynn said...

Nicholas, I love that you are very opinionated and never afraid to share those opinions, regardless of whether or not they are popular.

Sansego said...

It gets me into so much trouble, though!