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New News and Random Ramblings
New News:
- I was elected (and when I say elected, I mean volunteered because no one else wanted to do it) to be on the HOA board in my neighborhood.
- My principal asked me if I wanted to be the reading department chair at my school next year. It has no real perks (besides a $500 stipend), but I decided I'd do it.
- My principal also asked me to go to Vancouver, BC this summer for a conference regarding the International Baccalureate Middle Years Programme (which we are beginning at our school next year). I said yes and I'm even going to stay a few extra days for some fun. Any suggestions on what to do when you're in Vancouver?
Random Ramblings:
- I only have 2.5 days of work left before summer break. That's 20 hours, and 8 of those hours will be spent at Lagoon with the 9th graders. Yea!!
- LOST's season finale was last night and it was fantastic. It is by far my favorite TV show of all time. To read my post on last year's season finale, click HERE.
- When I filled up my gas tank this week, I paid $52. I had come close to reaching $50 in the past, but never quite reached it. Did you ever think that it would cost $50 to fill up one tank? Crazy!! All through high school and college I could fill up for $20 and now . . . CRAZY. Anyway, here's an interesting chart on past gas prices.
- I saw Iron Man tonight. Very entertaining. It confirmed to my mind that I'm not a girl who likes girly movies. In fact, I went to dinner with friends last weekend and they were talking about movies and someone mentioned a chick flick. When I said that I had seen it, Shawn responded that he was surprised - that he didn't think I'd like chick flicks. I don't.
- I finally bought a new bike, but it's not either of the bikes I thought I'd buy (these ones). I bought this beauty:

I am also loving the LOST and think that it's also one of the best shows of all time. But I also have so many questions that I don't know if I can stand to wait for next season. Plus, I'm really glad they didn't kill off Desmond. He's my fave.
Also, I'm not a chick flick fan either. I think they're too contrived and too lame to really be worth loving.
Plus, are you excited about the new X-Files movie? YES!! I'm going to be visiting Ruth when it comes out and we are going to see it together.
I can't believe it's been so long since the last X-Files movie. I saw it on T.V. the other day and I hope the next installment is as good as the first.
In Vancouver, I recommend the Public Library, Stanley Park, Chinatown and Gastown. It's a great and gorgeous city. I'm sure you'll love it.
I love the update because I was gone for a week and whenever I'm gone I feel like when I come back that I have no idea what went on when I was gone.
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