There are so many things that make The West Wing one of the best TV series of all time, I don't even know where to begin. First, it's smart. Really smart. Second, it's funny. Again, really funny. Third, it's dialogue is fantastic. The dialogue is fast-paced and plays out like a rapid tap dance most of the time - a dance filled with intelligence and wit. Fourth, it's a serious, thought-provoking drama about real-life political issues. Finally, the cast and characters are pure perfection. They deliver the balance of seriousness, intelligence, and humor. I loved these characters. I wanted President Bartlet to actually be the president. Even my father, a lifetime Republican, has often stated that the United States needed a president like Jed Bartlet. If you've never seen the series, put it on your Netflix queue now. There are too many scenes to say which ones are my favorite, but here's a little sampling of some of the best.
Lord John Marbury, Great Britain's Ambassador to the United States, is one of the funniest smaller characters. He only appears in 5 episodes, spread out over seasons 2-6. My favorite thing about him is that he thinks the Chief of Staff's name is Gerald. Even when CJ replaces Leo as the Chief of Staff, he calls her Gerald. In this scene he's commenting on how much he likes the First Lady's breasts.
Ainsley Hayes is also another one of my favorite smaller characters. She's a blond, Republican from the South who comes to work for the White House Counsel. She's only in 12 episodes, spread out from season 2-7, but she makes a big impact. Here she is in her office (also known as the steam trunk distribution room) dancing in a bathrobe after sitting in wet paint.
Ainsley Hayes' first scene. Smart and Very Funny!!
I love Season 4. It's my favorite. This scene is from the episode Red Haven's on Fire. In it, Toby and Charlie make bail after being arrested in a California bar fight.
In this scene, the President learns that Toby and Charlie were arrested in a bar fight. I love this scene because it is filmed entirely in motion. A lot of scenes are filmed this way throughout the series. I love to see them the witty dialogue as they stroll the corridors.
Another scene filmed in motion. I love this dialogue because it rings home. I often say democracy is such a good idea, in theory. Unfortunately, there are a lot of stupid voters.
This is one of my dad's favorite scenes. It's from one of the Thanksgiving episodes (The Indians in the Lobby) where the President calls the Butterball Hotline.
This scene (it's actually several scenes edited into one video) is from my favorite Thanksgiving episode (Shibboleth). In this episode, Charlie is on an endless search for the perfect carving knife. I love the relationship that Charlie and the President have throughout the series. This scene captures a piece of it.
And I saved the best for last. I LOVE this scene. It's from my favorite episode, Privateers.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I'm All About Goals
I love to make "to do" lists and set goals. What can I say, I'm a goal oriented person. Six weeks ago, I set a very lofty goal. And when I say lofty, I mean time intensive. The goal - Watch all 7 seasons of The West Wing between Thanksgiving week and the New Year. That's a lot of TV. How much TV, you may be asking? Well, 154 episodes, or approximately 6,930 hours of TV. Now you may be thinking, Impossible, but I beg to differ. All goals require planning. As you may recall, "A goal without a plan is just a wish." So, I made a plan. I divided up my 6,930 hours of TV. Over a 6 week period, it was approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes of TV a day. Now, that doesn't seem too outrageous. Now to be realistic, there were going to be some days I wouldn't be able to watch any TV, but there were also going to be some days were I would watch more than my allotted 2 hours and 45 minutes, especially since I only worked 3 out of the 6 weeks. Well, I'm proud to report my goal is complete. I just completed the series finale. And what can I say, I love The West Wing. In the next few days, I will be posting on why it's one of the best TV series ever. Stay Tuned.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas Chimes
My Grandma broke out the Christmas Chimes again this year. Just like last year, the kids were interested in them for half-a-second, but us adults played and played some more. Here we are trying to perfect our craft:
Here's one more with the kids and the adults making some sweet Christmas tunes:
Here's one more with the kids and the adults making some sweet Christmas tunes:
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Sleep Over
On the night before Thanksgiving, I had Zack and Mitch sleep over. Zack has slept over tons of times, but I'd never had Mitch stay the night. Luckily, everything went well. I didn't take very many pictures, but here are two of us making train cupcakes.
Monday, November 08, 2010
Day Dreamer or Liar
Yesterday when Jeanine and her family came over for dinner, Mitch was wearing sunglasses. My mom noticed them and asked Mitch about them. The conversation went a little like this:
He then pointed at his toe, became distracted by toys, and ran into the toy room. My mom and I looked at each other and laughed. Later on at dinner, I thought I'd bring the topic up again. This time, the conversation went a little like this:
My Mom: Mitch, it's dark outside. Why are you wearing sunglasses?
Mitch: 'Cause we went to the beach today.
My Mom: You went to the beach today? (said with surprise and raised eyebrows).
Mitch: Yeah. And a crab bit my toe!!
He then pointed at his toe, became distracted by toys, and ran into the toy room. My mom and I looked at each other and laughed. Later on at dinner, I thought I'd bring the topic up again. This time, the conversation went a little like this:
Me: Mitch, did you go anywhere fun today? Like the Beach?So you decide, Day Dreamer or Liar?
Mitch: Yeah, I went to the beach and a crab bit my toe.
Me: A crab bit your toe? Were you swimming in the water?
Mitch: No, I was just looking for sea shells and I found one this big. (stretches his hands as wide as they go).
Monday, November 01, 2010
Pumkins & Pizza
On Friday night my family held our annual Pumpkins & Pizza night. It's pretty self-explanatory, but we ate pizza and carved pumpkins. Here are a few pictures of the festivities.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Potty Training Tale
Mitch is almost potty trained. He's been going on the potty for several months now, but still needs a little assistance now and then. Today everyone was at my mom and dad's house carving pumpkins. Mitch had to go pee so my mom went to help him. He went pee and grabbed a little toilet paper to wipe the last few drops. After doing so, my mom told him to throw the toilet paper into the toilet. He replied, "I have to wipe my nose first." My mom screamed "Noooooo!" and tried to grab the toilet paper from his hand, but too late. He had already wiped his nose with urine laced toilet paper. The funny thing is, he didn't seem to understand why it was a big deal.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Book Club
So I joined a book club and I love it!! I know it may seem odd that I'm so excited to spend my free evenings discussing books. I do it all day long, after all. The big difference is that my book club is with adults and we read books written for adults. This past week we read "Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay. Two thumbs up - I highly recommend it. Next on our list - "Year of Wonders" by Geraldine Brooks.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
There's Been a Murder
Yesterday I attended Alina's Clue Murder Mystery Party. It was a great Halloween party, based on the beloved child's game, Clue. Each party goer was to dress as a clue-like character. I went as Bartholomew Black - a mysterious gay party goer who prefers to go by the nickname "Tholom" (said with a lisp).
For all of you who have forgotten the Clue basics, here's a quick refresher course. The game consists of three decks of cards - the murder suspects, the murder locations, and the murder weapons. A card is secretly chosen from each of the decks and put in the confidentiality envelope. The remaining cards are then divided between the players. The players then use their cards and clues they are given from other players' cards to determine the murderer, the murder location, and the murder weapon (or the cards that were placed in the confidentiality envelope).
Alina had turned each room in her house into prospective murder locations. She had also assembled a cache of murder weapons, including the candlestick, rope, and revolver. She had taken photos of each of the rooms and the weapons to complete the decks for the murder locations and the murder weapons. All that was left was to complete the deck of the murder suspects. To do so, she took a picture of each of us "suspects" as we arrived. Once all the cards were completed, it was time to begin playing. We had a great time trying to solve the murders. I wish I had taken more photos. There were about 15 suspects and we all had great costumes. I wish I had pictures of all of them, but alas. Anyways, here are a few photos:
For all of you who have forgotten the Clue basics, here's a quick refresher course. The game consists of three decks of cards - the murder suspects, the murder locations, and the murder weapons. A card is secretly chosen from each of the decks and put in the confidentiality envelope. The remaining cards are then divided between the players. The players then use their cards and clues they are given from other players' cards to determine the murderer, the murder location, and the murder weapon (or the cards that were placed in the confidentiality envelope).
Alina had turned each room in her house into prospective murder locations. She had also assembled a cache of murder weapons, including the candlestick, rope, and revolver. She had taken photos of each of the rooms and the weapons to complete the decks for the murder locations and the murder weapons. All that was left was to complete the deck of the murder suspects. To do so, she took a picture of each of us "suspects" as we arrived. Once all the cards were completed, it was time to begin playing. We had a great time trying to solve the murders. I wish I had taken more photos. There were about 15 suspects and we all had great costumes. I wish I had pictures of all of them, but alas. Anyways, here are a few photos:
Friday, October 01, 2010
I couple of weeks ago I went to Idaho to meet Baby Amelia aka Snugglet. When Kyle and Megan had their first ultrasound, they thought Amelia looked like a chicken nugget so they took to calling her nugget (to view Megan's post about it, click HERE). Now that she's here, the nickname has evolved into Snugglet. She is a sweet, little Snugglet. Enjoy these cutie pics. To see some more, visit Meg's blog: Blah Blah Blog.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Greek Festival
I love the Greek Festival!! I look forward to it every year. If you have never been, you must put it on your calendar for next year. On Thursday, Alina, Lesli, and I went to the opening night of the festival. We got there about an hour after the ribbon opening ceremony and already it was packed!! We had to wait in the food line for over 30 minutes, but it went really fast considering the large number of people that were ahead of us. The festival is always so well organized. Here are a few pictures of us after we've feed our faces.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Labor Day Vacation
Well, I'd been back at work for two weeks and was in desperate need for a vacation when Labor Day Weekend came along. When I went to work on Friday, I made sure that my bags were all packed. After work, I immediately left and headed for the airport. I jumped on my flight and an hour later I was in Phoenix. Sweet!! My dad and my grandpa picked me up and we went straight to Chase Field to see the Diamondbacks play the Astros. I'm not a huge fan of myself in this picture, but my sweet grandpa looks so great, I had to include it.

On Saturday I headed back to Chase Field, again to see the Diamondbacks play the Astros, but this time my mom came with me and my dad. My mom's not a huge fan of baseball. In fact, by the 7th inning, she's ready to go, and if it goes into extra innings she has a kanipshin. But Saturday she was very excited. Saturday was the 12th annual Hispanic Heritage Day at Chase Field. There were going to be mariachi bands, dancers, and the like throughout the stadium and my mom was excited to see it. But the biggest reason she wanted to go - Miguel Montero bobbleheads. My mom loves Montero. She thinks he has the cutest smile ever and she couldn't wait to own a bobbly-headed version of him. Here's a pic of me and my mom with our free bobbleheads.
Sunday was dedicated to a day poolside, but Monday I was back at Chase Field to see the Diamondbacks play the Giants. I was really excited for this game because I love Giants' catcher Buster Posey. I'd seen him play earlier this year, but really wanted to see him again. This time my cousin, Cody, joined me and my dad.
As soon as the game was over, I had to head to the airport to return back to SLC. Stupid work - it ruins everything.
On Saturday I headed back to Chase Field, again to see the Diamondbacks play the Astros, but this time my mom came with me and my dad. My mom's not a huge fan of baseball. In fact, by the 7th inning, she's ready to go, and if it goes into extra innings she has a kanipshin. But Saturday she was very excited. Saturday was the 12th annual Hispanic Heritage Day at Chase Field. There were going to be mariachi bands, dancers, and the like throughout the stadium and my mom was excited to see it. But the biggest reason she wanted to go - Miguel Montero bobbleheads. My mom loves Montero. She thinks he has the cutest smile ever and she couldn't wait to own a bobbly-headed version of him. Here's a pic of me and my mom with our free bobbleheads.
Family - King Ron,
Family - My Beautiful Mom
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Baby Amelia
So, I'm officially an aunt. Baby Amelia was born last week on August 30th. I can't believe my brother is a dad. When did we become real adults?! I know we're now in our 30s, but it seems like we've been pretending to be adults up til now. Well, he can't pretend any more. He has to take care of an another person. A little person. A beautiful, little person. A precious, beautiful, little person.
So, when Baby Amelia was born, I bought and sent her a Sock Monkey. I knew Kyle and Megan would love it and believed Amelia would too. She'd have to - it'd be in her genes.
So, Kyle sent this picture to my phone with the following message: "Aunt Mandy, Thanks for the sock monkey. I live it. Love, Millie." (Italics and Bold added for emphasis)
A few minutes later, I got a new message that said, "I mean, I LOVE it. Give me a break. I'm only 4 days old and this texting thing is new to me. Crap, I gotta go - here comes Mom." Hahaha - I loved it!!

So, I haven't met Baby Amelia yet, but I'm going to see her tomorrow!! Yay!! More pictures to come.
So, when Baby Amelia was born, I bought and sent her a Sock Monkey. I knew Kyle and Megan would love it and believed Amelia would too. She'd have to - it'd be in her genes.
So, Kyle sent this picture to my phone with the following message: "Aunt Mandy, Thanks for the sock monkey. I live it. Love, Millie." (Italics and Bold added for emphasis)
A few minutes later, I got a new message that said, "I mean, I LOVE it. Give me a break. I'm only 4 days old and this texting thing is new to me. Crap, I gotta go - here comes Mom." Hahaha - I loved it!!
So, I haven't met Baby Amelia yet, but I'm going to see her tomorrow!! Yay!! More pictures to come.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Phong Phu Restaurant
Yay!! A new Vietnamese restaurant recently opened near my work. I started back at work three weeks ago and that's when I noticed the big "Now Open" sign on the Phong Phu Restaurant. I was so stoked. So, last week I took Alina there for her birthday. The food and service were excellent. When we sat down, our waitress asked us if we'd like complimentary soda. Of course we said yes. She then brought us the free soda and she brought us free egg drop soup. Later on she also brought us free scones. The food was so great that I got take out from there again tonight. While I was waiting for my order, the hostess brought me another free drink. This will definitely become a once a week place to visit.
The menu has both traditional Chinese food items and Vietnamese items. I haven't ordered any of the Chinese items, but the Vietnamese items are delicious. If you've never had Vietnamese food, now is the time to do it!! The restaurant is located at 7640 S. State Street. It looks like a dive, but the food makes up for it. My recommendations:
The menu has both traditional Chinese food items and Vietnamese items. I haven't ordered any of the Chinese items, but the Vietnamese items are delicious. If you've never had Vietnamese food, now is the time to do it!! The restaurant is located at 7640 S. State Street. It looks like a dive, but the food makes up for it. My recommendations:
- B7: Pho Tai (steak noddle soup) - this is my standard order whenever I eat at a Vietnamese restaurant.
- D6: Bun Chai Gio (egg roll vermicelli) - this is another standard, although the sauce can be a bit spicey.
- J6: Mi Ga (chicken egg noodle soup) - this is the free soup they gave us. Delicious twist on the standard egg drop soup.
- A1: Goi Cuon (fresh spring rolls) - this is a great appetizer. I've had better at other restaurants, but they're not bad. They were made with a lot of mint so if you're not a mint fan, you'll want to pass.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
New Bag/Wallet
I have wanted to buy a new bag and wallet for a long time, but I haven't been able to find one that I liked. That was until today. Today I had to pick up some cosmetics at Dillards and as I was walking past the bags, this beauty stood out to me. I loved it!!

I then searched the wallets and found this great orange one on sale. Yay for sales!! They were a little pricey, but everyone who knows me knows that when I find a bag I like I keep it for years. With that in consideration, it's money well spent.
I then searched the wallets and found this great orange one on sale. Yay for sales!! They were a little pricey, but everyone who knows me knows that when I find a bag I like I keep it for years. With that in consideration, it's money well spent.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Blog Book
Because I use my blog as a journal, I've wanted to publish my blog into a book for a long time. I know a few people who had done this, but I wasn't quite sure what program/website I wanted to use. I finally decided on Blurb. I'm so glad I did. I couldn't have imagined a better book. The Blurb BookSmart program was so easy to use. I loved that I could edit the pages and layout exactly how I wanted to. I also loved that it wasn't too expensive - about $50 for an 80 page book, and that includes shipping and handling. Anyways, I think it turned out pretty darn good. What do you think?
Monday, August 16, 2010
My Annual Trip to PA
I just got back from my annual trip to PA to visit Ruth and Ryan. Although I had tons of fun, I only took one picture. I really need to start using my camera more often. Anyways, this picture was taken on our visit to the Indian Echo Caverns. It was way cool. We also visited Chocolate World and Hershey Park while I was there. Although I'd been to Chocolate World several times, this was the first year we went to Hershey Park. We went for Ruth's birthday and spent the entire time racing from one roller coaster to another. They have a lot of intense coasters!! Besides those fun things, we spent a lot of time hanging out and catching up. I love the Stewart Family and am so happy they invite me to come stay with them every summer. Thanks guys!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
D-Backs Update
I just got back from another week in Phoenix. It was great to see the D-Backs sweep the Mets. We also had tickets for the Giants series. Unfortunately, the Giants won that series, but we did get to witness Kelly Johnson Hit for the Cycle. My heart is breaking a little for two reasons. One, because the D-backs traded my favorite pitcher, Dan Haren, to the Angels yesterday and two, because I'm not going back for any games in August. I will rebound, though. I do have two trips booked for September to see games against the Astros, Giants, Rockies, and Dodgers. Yay for baseball!!
Highlights on the big screen of Kelly Johnson hitting for the cycle.
Sorry, the sound's not that great and you can hear Lesli and me talking in the background.
Sorry, the sound's not that great and you can hear Lesli and me talking in the background.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Mitch and Me at Mulligan's
Yesterday I took Mitch to Mulligans to go miniature golfing. The kid loves to golf. He's pretty good too. He was cracking me up (and everyone around us too). Every time he hit the ball into the hole, he stated, "That was a sweet ride." Apparently, that's his new phrase for everything. We played almost two courses of mini-golfing. We hadn't quite finished the first course when Mitch lost his ball into the water. We went and got another ball and played the entire course again. Mitch is pretty hard-core. He didn't want to leave and cried a little about going even after all that golfing. On our way out to the car, I noticed he had a blister on his finger. I'm telling you, that kid is hard core.
Mitch telling me about golfing and showing me his blister.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Arizona Update
I just spent two glorious weeks in Phoenix. Most of that time was spent poolside and at Chase Field to see some MLB. It was a much needed vacation after a very long school year. I went with my mom and dad, although they couldn't stay the whole time so I was by myself for a big chunk of the two weeks. It was great to relax and do pretty much nothing. I got super tan and am already having pool withdrawal. I only have one picture to show for the entire two weeks. This was taken at the Diamondbacks/Yankees game on June 21st when the Diamondbacks totally spanked the Yankees.
Friday, May 28, 2010
LOST - Things I will Miss Most
There are so many things I will miss about LOST. Here are just a few, in no particular order:
Eye Candy
Eye Candy
- Richard and his amazing eyes.
- Sawyer minus his shirt.
- Desmond with his super sweet voice.
- Jack's all-over good looks.
- "I mean, dogs can find pot and bombs, so I'm sure they can find water."
- "Dudes, listen. Our lives suck. Everyone's nerves are stretched to the max. I mean, we're lost on an island, running from boars and monsters ... freakin' polar bears!...Look, all I'm saying is if we're stuck here, then just surviving's not gonna cut it. We need some kind of relief, you know? We need some way that we can ... you know, have fun. That's right, fun. Or else we're just gonna go crazy waiting for the next bad thing to happen."
- "Until he rises from the dead! Dude, I know how this works. It ends with you and me running through the jungle, screaming and crying. He catches me first, because I'm heavy...and I get cramps."
- "Dude, dogs eat stuff. This one time I had this jar of change and apparently the was like some smarties or something in there and the next day my dog pooped out 1.35 in nickles."
- "Okay, that thing in the woods: maybe it's a monster, maybe, it's a - pissed-off giraffe! I don't know! The fact that no one is even looking for us, yeah, that's weird, but I just go along with it, because I'm along for the ride! Good old fun-time Hurley! Well, guess what! Now, I want some friggin' answers!"
- "So, Rose's husband's white. Didn't see that one coming."
- "In Empire, Luke found out Vader was his father, but instead of putting away his lightsaber and talking about it, he overreacted and got his hand cut off. I mean, they worked it out eventually, but at what cost? Another Death Star was destroyed, Boba Fett got eaten by the Sarlacc, and we got the Ewoks. It all could've been avoided if they just, you know, communicated. And let's face it, the Ewoks sucked, dude." (This is from one of my all-time favorite episodes, "Some Like it Hoth.)
- The Artist Formerly Known as Henry Gale (Ben)
- Kenny Rogers (Lapidus)
- Dr. Quinn (Jack)
- Magellan (Kate)
- International House of Pancakes (Hurley)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
LOST - Missing Scenes
As you can tell from my last two posts, I loved the Series Finale of LOST. There were, however, a few scenes I wish I'd seen:
- A realization scene between Daniel and Charlotte. Daniel Faraday was one of my favorite characters and I would have loved to see a more in-depth realization scene between him and Charlotte.
- Again, I wish Daniel and Charlotte had been in the church. I know they weren't original Oceanic survivors, but either was Desmond. Because I loved Daniel so much, I would have loved to see them there.
- Also missing from the church - Richard and Miles. Again, not original survivors, but if Ben was invited into the church and Desmond was there, why couldn't they be there as well.
Stay tuned tomorrow for a list of what I will miss most about LOST.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
LOST - Flash Sideways Scenes
As I mentioned yesterday, the LOST Season Finale met and exceeded all my expectations. Yesterday I focused on the Island Scenes I loved. Well, here are the Flash Sideways Scenes I absolutely loved:
- Hurley shooting Charlie with the tranquilizer gun. Hilarious!!
- Jin and Sun's ultrasound being the catalyst for their realization. Having Juliet as their doctor was a nice added bonus.
- Boone and Shannon. I loved seeing Boone again. Shannon - sure, why not? I wasn't rooting for Shannon and Sayid, but I also wasn't opposed to it. I just don't think their reunion was on par with some of the others - Claire/Charlie, Sun/Jin, Sawyer/Juliet, Jack/Kate.
- Charlie seeing Claire from the stage. Followed by his realization, with him kissing her then touching little Aaron.
- Locke's catalyst for his realization - Him moving his toe after his spinal surgery. Loved the original scene when he moved his toe while on the beach.
- Jin's goofy grin when Sawyer comes to check on Sun, then hearing him tell Sawyer, "We'll see you there."
- Sawyer telling Jack, "Thanks Doc," after Jack tells him where the vending machines are. I know it was a super small scene, but so reminiscent of the island.
- Without a doubt, the best flash sideways scene was the realization scene between Sawyer and Juliet. I loved this and could watch it over and over again. Over the 6 seasons, Juliet's death was the hardest for me. I was just as heart-broken as Sawyer was when she died. Their realization scene was both sweet and funny. My favorite from the episode, possibly the entire series.
- Ben's scene outside the church. First his apology to Locke and Locke's acceptance of this apology. Then Hurley telling Ben he was a real good number 2. Despite Locke's forgiveness and Hurley's praise of Ben, Ben still didn't feel worthy/ready to move on. A little sad.
- Christian telling Jack, "Nobody does it alone, Jack. You needed all of them and they needed you." So reminiscent of "If we can't live together, we're going to die alone."
Stay tuned tomorrow for Scenes I wish they would have included in the finale.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
LOST - Island Scenes
The LOST Season Finale met and exceeded all my expectations. I loved, loved, loved it!! I loved seeing how everything played out on the island and in the Flash Sideways. Here are the Island Scenes I absolutely loved:
- Rose and Bernard - Happy and well. They were minor characters I always liked seeing.
- Richard realizing he's aging after Miles points out his gray hair.
- Lapidus!! He's alive.
- Jack's group and Locke's group reaching the top of the grassy hill at the same time. Jack had said that they were all going to the same place so I knew they would meet up, but I thought it would be in the bamboo forest. The music and sweeping landscape of the grassy hill made that scene awesome.
- Jack coming right out and telling Locke he's going to kill him and Locke replying, "Let's get on with it."
- Jack punching Locke in the face, causing his mouth to bleed. Then hearing Jack tell Locke, "Looks like you were wrong."
- Ben saving Hurley from the falling tree. See, Ben can be a good guy.
- Jack and Locke charging at each other on the cliff near Jacob's cave. Loved the scenery, music, rain, and hatred behind that scene!! Then seeing Jack kick Locke off the cliff. Such emotion!!
- Jack's parting scene from Sawyer and Kate, shaking Sawyer's hand and wishing him good luck then kissing Kate.
- Jack telling Hurley, "It needs to be you . . . if someone has take care of the island, if someone has to protect it, then it should be you." Hurley has such a big, loving heart. Of course, it should be him.
- Hurley asking Ben to help him protect the island. What redemption for Ben. Plus I loved his counsel to Hurley when he said, "You do what you do best - help people."
- LOST ending, as it began. With Jack in the bamboo forest.
Stay tuned tomorrow for my favorite Flash Sideways Scenes.
Monday, May 24, 2010
LOST - Person of Faith
In 2004, I was flipping through the channels after a long day of work, hoping to find something semi-entertaining to watch on TV. As I was flipping through the channels, a commercial came on announcing that the pilot episode of LOST was on next. I remember thinking, "Oh yeah. I've seen previews for that. It has the hot guy from Party of Five on it. I'll watch that."
What followed next was an awakening. It was a turning point for me and I became a dedicated Follower. Now, I know several people who started off as Followers, but have since fallen away. I just can't understand that. To those lost souls, I say, "Why do you find it so hard to believe?" Now if you're one of those lost souls, you may be asking, "Why do you find it so easy?" Simple, I'm a person of faith. Since the beginning, I've had faith in LOST. Faith in the Beginning. Faith in the Journey. Faith in the Ending. So, now that it's ended, is my faith intact? Yes. Yes, it is.
What followed next was an awakening. It was a turning point for me and I became a dedicated Follower. Now, I know several people who started off as Followers, but have since fallen away. I just can't understand that. To those lost souls, I say, "Why do you find it so hard to believe?" Now if you're one of those lost souls, you may be asking, "Why do you find it so easy?" Simple, I'm a person of faith. Since the beginning, I've had faith in LOST. Faith in the Beginning. Faith in the Journey. Faith in the Ending. So, now that it's ended, is my faith intact? Yes. Yes, it is.
Stay tuned all week long for posts dedicated to LOST.
Monday, May 10, 2010
A Lazy Sunday Afternoon
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