Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

Warning: Some may considered the following obscene, I just consider it funny.

I have two computers in my classroom. My computer and a student computer. My students use their computer to go on-line and check their grades. I let them do this during the last 2-3 minutes of class after they have cleaned up. Last week several of my students were at the computer looking at grades when I heard the following conversation:

Student A: "She F'd me. I can't believe she F'd me."
Student B: "Who did?"
Student A: "Ms. Winterton."

It took me a minute to process what I was hearing and realize that they were talking about their grades. Now, just so you know, for most of my students English is not their first language. I turned to them and said, "Are you talking about your grades?" When they replied, "Yes." I told them they probably should word their phrase, "She gave me and F" because the other way didn't sound too nice. When they realized what they had said, they turned bright red. It was quite funny.


Kim said...


I was laughing to hard when i read this! Thanks for sharing.

-Kim Bottema

T.J. said...

If you didn't know, that's Kim -- my girlfriend. That was the darndest thing...

Mandalynn said...

Of course I knew it was Kim. She did buy me a precious $.48 birthday card.