Friday, February 22, 2008

"The Francis Scott Key" Key

Lesli and I have been watching The West Wing, Season 1 on DVD. Lesli has never seen any of the episodes, but I have been a big fan from the beginning. Although Season 1 was not my favorite season, it's been fun to watch them again. I love Season 4. It is my favorite season. Here is a clip from Season 4's episode "Privateers." It is my all-time favorite scene from any episode of the The West Wing.


Sansego said...

My all-time favourite scene is when CJ sings "The Jackal". She is so hilarious!

I can't wait to get to Season 4. I'm still working my way through Season 2's DVD. I love that show, from the opening theme music to the dialogue to the acting. I think Josh Lyman is probably the closest to my views.

Sansego said...
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Mandalynn said...

We watched "The Jackel" episode last night. It was pretty funny. Season 2 is great. Isn't that when the Ansley Hayes character joins the White House? She was one of my favs.

Anonymous said...

Why do they name a fictitious award after someone who is famous for a different war altogether?