Last night Alina and I went to the Morrissey concert. Yes, I just saw him a few months ago, but I would see him every few months for the rest of my life if I could. Here is a sampling of his lyrical genius:
I've been dreaming of a time when
to be English
is not to be baneful
To be standing by the flag not feeling
shameful, racist or partial
- Morrissey, Irish Blood, English Heart
In our lifetime those who kill
The newsworld hands them stardom
And these are the ways
On which I was raised
- Morrissey, The Last of the Famous International Playboys
I could have mentioned your name
I could have dragged you in
Guilt by implication
By association
Ive always been true to you
In my own strange way
Ive always been true to you
In my own sick way
Ill always stay true to you
- Morrissey, Speedway
Ready with ready-wit
Still running round
On the flesh rampage
at your age!
- Morrissey, Trouble Loves Me
So you stand by the board
Full of fear and intention
And, if you think that they're listening
Well, you've got to be joking
- Morrissey, The Teachers Are Afraid of the Pupils
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